Topographic / Ordnance Survey Map

GA 7186

GA 7186 - Ningerum
Availability of Geoscience Products: As a specialist map provider, Cairns Charts & Maps has access to the full archive of Geoscience Australia's topographic collection. All products will be printed-on-demand and dispatched to you as quickly as possible. We do not foresee any impact to customers by the reported changes to GA's production of paper products.

This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Wai Yum Yum River Yongtau Wuwungo Wurimkanatgo Woran Wombon Ok Wok Wogam Wisuamengre Wai Wier Wi-er River Wangenai Wanginai Ok Umong Ok Uk Twinkwi Tripianae Tipanae Tmoknai T'moknai Tminsiure T'minsiure Tmingondok Tiomrai Timinhore Timin Tikam 1 Tikam Tengkim Ok Taun Ok Taub Taub River Tarabits TRJ Tarakbits Tapko Tamaro Strike Srike Sonai Somaikwankia Somaidemasuk Somaidumasuk Somaebinkia Somaibininkia Wai Smare Ok Smak Siuknai Siunknai Siningiri Siningere Senamrae Sarae Sapirae Sakramnae Saisukurime Runai Rumginae RMN Rumae Romnai Wai Riri Ripnai Wai Rim Rim River Ralengre Pampenai Ot Kawunggaban Opka Old Somaidemasuk Old Griengas Griengas Ogun Nong Nonengiri Noningiri Ok Niong Ningerum Patrol Post Ningerum NGR Muir River Ok Munga Monom Ok Mongon Mohomtienai Minipon Minegirae Mimingiri Minimgiri Miasomae Miamrae Miahore Menumgrup Menemsore Menimsore Mendua Matkomrae Matkome Matkomre Ok Mart Mart River Wai Mari Marapka 2 Ieran Marapka 1 Marapka Wai Maipe Macrossan Island Ok Lann Kwiloknai Kwiapae Kweman Kwankia Ok Kuri Kungim KGM Kungembit Kundubiran Ok Kuming Komokpin Kolebon Ok Koia Kiunga District Kiminsarae Kimisarae Kimianai Ketomoknai Ok Kaut Kaukwi Kasrenai Ok Kameng Kaman River Wai Kakaha Ok Kaip Kaiangabip Kabomdan Ipoknai Iogi Ok Im Ihore Iemdan Iekenai Ienkenai Hukim Hosokomgu Hosanai Hosamrai Hosomrai Horohomrae Hormonomrae Horihori Hiorenkia Hawenai Ok Ham Haidauwogam Gusiore Gurumai Ru'ume Ruume Gu River Grumepu Grenai Grehorsorae Grebike Gre Ok Go Ok Giara Gi Geiwakna Ok Geron Gatumsan Garandimok Ok Gamik Flint Island Ok Dum Drimgas Ok Deven Detau Demasuka Demasuk Demsuke Deikwi Deikui Dangurum Dande Ok Da Bwakim Butipkawok Bumbin Brunai Wai Brom Brom River Briompene Birimkamba Bikim Bige Bige Mission Bankin Bambiran Awutit Ok Awut Apram Apkomrae Antriemsomae Antriemsomrae Amrae Amarae Ok Amin Amin River Ambaga Ambaga 2 Ok Aing Aeto Mission Rumginae Airport Kungim Airstrip Tarabits Airport Ningerum Airport Kokonda Okao Airport Aeroport d'Okao OKV Okao North Fly